
16 October 2006

Opini: Indonesian BLT vs Nobel Prizes' 06

Sejak diluncurkannya program pemerintah BLT (Bantuan Langsung Tunai) terhadap kaum miskin, sebagai bagian dari kompensasi pengurangan subsidi BBM tahun 2006. Dalam pelaksannya ternyata banyak menuai protes bahkan kericuhan yang berujung pada kematian. Belum lagi masalah kebocoran disana-sini, alih-alih mengurangi kemiskinan saya pribadi melihatnya malah yang terjadi justru sebaliknya:

~ Antrian kemiskinan kelihatan dimana-mana sungguh ironis negara yang kaya raya dengan alamnya harus mati dilumbung sendiri hanya karena pemerintah salah urus negara.
~ Orang yang sudah tua renta tak terkecuali harus rela ngantri berjam-jam hanya untuk mendapatkan jatah BLT sebesar Rp. 300.000,- per bulan, benar-benar tidak manusiawi!.
~ Kericuhan selalu mewarnai setiap pelaksanan BLT. Masing-masing orang/ individu merasa berhak mendapatkan jatah atau tepatnya merasa & harus bangga di cap menjadi orang miskin!, sehingga layak mendapatkan jatah tersebut. Secara tidak langsung pemerintah sebenarnya menyuruh rakyatnya menjadi miskin.
~ Dugaan kebocoran atau lebih tepat “sunatan” oleh para penyelenggara kental terasa dengan tidak adanya kontrol yang ketat, undang-undang yang tidak jelas apabila di dalam pelaksanaanya terjadi penyimpangan.

Semua tahu dan mahpum kecenderungan masyarakat kita adalah pola hidup “KONSUMTIF”. Sekali diberi langsung habis alias “Gone With the Wind”, alasannya bisa bermacam-macam tetapi yang paling sering adalah karena unsur “Easy Come Easy Go”. Berdasarkan asumsi diatas, kenapa tidak dikelola saja dana/ uang BLT yang triliyunan tersebut oleh suatu organisansi/ unit yang berbadan hukum resmi. Dana tersebut baru di berdayakan terhadap orang-orang miskin. Intinya pemerintah memberi kail bukan ikan!, tentunya juga harus dibarengi dengan perangkat hukum/ undang-undang juga jelas.

Terus, apa hubungannya dengan hadiah “Nobel”?
Prof. Muhammad Yunus, dari Bangladesh yang meraih hadiah Nobel Perdamaian tahun 2006 ini ideanya ternyata sangat sederhana, “memberdayakan orang miskin”. Idenya muncul justru pada saat Beliau mau mengambil gelar kesarjaannya. Sangat ironis Beliau melihat rakyatnya miskin karena kurangnya peranan individu yang mampu, baik secara ilmu maupun financial juga kurangnya keseriusan pemerintah Bangladesh untuk memberdayakan kaum miskin.

Selangkah demi selangkah Beliau mengembangkan unit/ organisasi kecil yang bergerak di bidang keuangan (kalau di Indonesia mungkin sejenis koperasi). Tujuannya sangat jelas memberikan kredit/ modal lunak (Micro Kredit) untuk para pengusaha kecil, dari kaum miskin tanpa bunga dan jaminan. Pelan tapi pasti sebagian kaum miskin kebanyakan terdiri dari kaum wanita, sudah bisa berdiri di atas kakinya sendiri. Mereka bisa terbebas dari jeratan para tengkulak. Tahun demi tahun organisasinya semakin kuat dan mengakar, maka berubahlah menjadi sebuah Bank “Grameen” yang disegani dan hebatnya lagi, sebagian besar sahamnya 90% dimiliki dan dikelola oleh orang-orang miskin yang dulunya terpinggirkan.
Tahu tidak, begitu medapat hadiah Nobel dan uang milyaran dollar, beliau dengan pasti berucap “ Misi saya kedepan membebaskan kaum miskin di seluruh dunia!, karena saya melihat masih banyak kaum miskin yang membutuhkan uluran tangan kita !. Mereka miskin bukan atas kemauan mereka sendiri tetapi lebih karena keadaan dan kurangya kesempatan yang diberikan oleh kita semua, kita yang mampu!.” katanya mantap. Sampai sekarang Bank “Gramee” sudah ada di 22 negara dan berkerjasama dengan 52 patner.

Satu hal pasti, semua itu terlaksana tidak dengan jalan instan dan singkat seperti program BLT tetapi memerlukan tahapan-tahapan yang berkesinambungan, juga perjuangan yang tidak ringan dan mudah. Sebenarnya banyak orang-orang di sekitar kita yang berhati mulia dan peka terhadap kaum miskin seperti Prof. Muhamad Yunus, hanya saja belum tergerak!. Semoga saja.

06 October 2006

Humor: An Idiot's Guide to Ramadhan //

Have you seen the famous book of “Idiot’s for Math” or “Idiot’s for Marketing”?. I believe yes! but how about “Idiot’s for Ramadhan”. Eh, ternyata ada juga. Konyol banget terutama pada saat dialog:

~ “I heard you can't have sex in Ramadhan, is this true?”
~ “What about all that bowing 'yo-yo' stuff?
~ “When you kiss the ground and things?”

Benar-benar idiot question! anyway bagus juga buat yg belum tahu apa itu Ramadhan dalam artian umum. Penasaran khan ? simak saja….

An Idiot's Guide to Ramadhan

Ramadhan, what the heck is that?
Ramadhan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar. It's when Muslims all over the world spend 30 days observing fast and bettering themselves in principles of faith.

Observing fast? Is that something to do with running, then?

Oh, it must be driving, huh? You know, I can drive really fast, I've got an Escort...

Oh, what is it then?
Observing fast, or fasting, is when a person abstains (or keeps away) from eating and drinking.

What, you don't eat or drink anything? Don't you get hungry? I know I would.
Yes, that's the idea. We fast for 30 consecutive days during the month of Ramadhan.

30 days? Are you mad? No one can go 30 days without food and drink!
No, that's right, which is why Muslims only fast during daylight hours. Once the fast for each day ends, they are allowed to eat again.

Then, what's the point of fasting?
The reason Muslims fast is to discipline their body and mind. The absence of food and drink and other pleasures provides a perfect opportunity to concentrate on prayer and worship. Not having the luxuries of life to hand makes it easier to reflect on life and be grateful for what we do have. Muslims use this month to start afresh and give their life a new direction?

What kind of direction?
Many Muslims use Ramadhan to make resolutions, similar to New Year's resolutions. It is a time when they decide how they want to live their life for the next year and try their very best to adhere to their new commitments.

Yes, like greater commitment to God and faith. Ramadhan is a time when Muslims can introduce practices into their life to reflect their religious identity. A lot of Muslims have a desire to pray more and learn more about Islam. Others wish to be better and nicer people while some want to learn Qur'anic Arabic to better their understanding of the Holy Book. For these people, Ramadhan is the best opportunity to begin this grand affair with something so personal and spiritually enlightening.

Can't they do it at any other time... why Ramadhan?
Ramadhan is a blessed month ordained by God. It is the month in which Satan
and his minions are said to be locked away in Hell to prevent them from misleading, deceiving and whispering in the ears of believers.

This doesn't mean that sin and bad deeds will completely disappear for a month but it
will mean that if bad deeds are done and sins committed, they will be from the hearts of people alone and the devil cannot be blamed.

However, God has promised the people that the reward for good deeds and actions during the holy month will be multiplied greater than usual and this encourages many to increase their level of worship and prayer. Although, this also applies to sins and so any naughty actions only invite greater punishment than usual.

Ramadhan does make it easier for Muslims to observe their faith though, largely because all Muslims are following the same pattern and so they are always offering each other moral support and encouraging each other to do better. Ramamdhan brings people much closer than normal as they forgive each other for any misdemeanours of the past, forge new and positive relationships and treat each other with greater respect.

What else do Muslims do in Ramadhan?
Well, aside from fasting, they pray more. Muslims should pray five times a day anyway and go to the mosque but many find this difficult so Ramadhan helps them to fulfill these practices and in many cases, stick to them long after Ramadhan is over. Muslims also read the Qur'an more and understand and share their religious teachings. They also learn to abstain from bad habits and minor and major sins and hopefully continue with the effort when Ramamdhan is over too.

What kind of bad habits are we talking about, like picking yer nose?
Well, that could be one. Many people are always trying to give up things that they know are bad for them or things that make God angry. These are usually things that are not good for people and not good for those around them and so people use Ramadhan as the time to drop these ills. It is debatable as to what is considered a bad habit or deed but because Ramadhan is observed as a religious obligation, most use religious teachings to determine what is right and what is wrong.

So, what's the really bad stuff then?
A number of things. Practices like smoking, swearing, drinking alcohol and abusing drugs, treating people with disrespect and being mean, harming or hurting living things, being cruel, un-courteous and selfish. There's a whole host of things, many of them universally accepted as 'unhealthy'.

I heard you can't have sex in Ramadhan, is this true?
Sex is allowed in Ramadhan but not during the fast. Just like food and drink, a person's natural needs must be fulfilled. Muslims are normally allowed to eat, drink and have sexual relations so this would be the case in Ramadhan but not during the fast when all must be avoided or they could nulify the fast. When the fast is over for the day, those things that are halal (lawful) may continue but more time should still be spent on worship.

However, Islam doesn't allow extra-marital relationships so any sexual activity outside of marriage or contrary to Islamic teaching is prohibited and those who may indulge in any such activity are expected to try their very best in Ramadhan to abstain with
intent to give up - the same applies to any haraam (prohibited) activities
as mentioned before.

What about all that bowing 'yo-yo' stuff?
You what?

When you kiss the ground and things?
I think you're referring to prayer. Muslims don't kiss the ground, they prostrate to the Lord in submission. As I mentioned, Muslims must try to improve and excel in their prayer during the holy month, with extra effort on the regular prayers during the day, not just Friday services. Both Muslim men and women should make more effort to go the mosque and spend more time studying Islamic knowledge and the Qur'an.

Attending lectures and being involved in good work, whether it's helping out at the old folk's home or even attending a peace rally, all is encouraged. During Ramadhan, there are special prayers known as the 'Tarawih' service which are performed every
evening at the mosque in congregation.

When does the fast begin and end?
The fast begins just before dawn when Muslims eat a light meal (suhoor) and confirm their intention to fast for the day. The fast ends at sunset when the call to prayer (Adhan) is announced. Eating a date or some water are the recommended and most popular methods of concluding the fast. The time when the fast ends is known as 'Iftar'.

When you break the fast, do you have to eat Asian food?
Because Islam is not a culture, there is no restriction on what is eaten by Muslims provided it is prepared in the halal manner. Quite obviously, pork and alcohol are not allowed. Recommended food items for Muslims include dates, milk, water, honey, olives and figs - all for their nutritional properties and religious significance. With regards to main meals, anything from fish and chips and spag bol to curries and cous-cous is allowed.

Why do some people stuff themselves when the fast is over?
Those who are fasting should deprive themselves of the meals they would normally have during the times of fast but they shouldn't really eat all they missed once the fast is over as this defeats the whole objective of the fast. When breaking the fast (of having breakfast, I guess), they should simply have the meal they would on any other day. It is permissible to have a more elaborate feast if one if hosting a 'Iftar' meal for guests as this is considered a good and noble act, in which there is divine reward.

But don't you have to think about the poor?
Yes, Ramadhan is also about thinking about the less fortunate and needy although in a lesser degree to improving one's own character over the blessed month. Not eating and drinking does encourage Muslims do recognise how the poverty-stricken and starving people in the world must bear the burden of daily life and this is why, in Ramadhan, many Muslims donate more to charities and why mosques collect more so that people right across the world can have better life and those who donate can gain greater regard for well intentioned actions.

So who has to fast, is it everyone?
Not everyone. Young children are encouraged to learn about fasting but fasting is only obligatory (a must) for anyone beyond adolescence (or over the age of 10 according to some scholars). Muslims who have medical conditions that prevent or make fasting difficult, those who are not of sound mind or are going through a pregnancy or menstruation cycle as well as those who are too young or too old do not have to fast. In some circumstances, individuals who cannot fast for any number of reasons may make up the fast at a later date.

Some people call it 'Ramadam', what's that all about?
The month is correctly known as 'Ramadhan' or 'Ramadan', the latter being the more anglicised version. 'Ramadam' is incorrect and is mistakenly used. 'Ramadam-dam-dam', as pronounced by Ali G, is also wrong but you probably

guessed that already.

05 October 2006

General: Pilar Project //

Kalau kita jalan-jalan, belanja atau sekedar sigh seeing ke Mall, Supermarket maka kita pasti sering melihat pilar penyangga bangunan. Nah daripada kosong melompong bagaimana kalau kita dress up dengan branding dan dipajang dgn product2x kita menarik kali ?. Base on idea tersebut juga refferensi dari market lain maka di mulailah “Pilar project” yang pertama di market Indonesia….

Beberapa benefit yg kita di harapkan adalah create “impulse buying” dan “brand awareness” terhadap product kita. Untuk tahap awal kita pilih dan negosiasi dengan hypermarket yang terbesar dan berpengaruh di Indonesia. Walaupun sedikit alot finally, kita sepakat untuk dress up 28 pilar di Store (national scope), dan ini yang paling "pening" harus kelar sebelum tiba Idul Fitri 2006.

Asyik juga ngegarap project ini banyak suka dukanya both external and internal yang jelas before you do everything always say “Bismillah” and follow with this principle “Do the best thing, the others will follow”. Tanpa terasa up to now sudah 16 pilar yg sudah terpasang the rest mostly will be finished within this 3 week (before Idul Fitri), Lebaran gua bisa tenang nich…makan ketupat, lalaban dan jangan lupa menu favorit “Jengkol bakar”…he..he..