Sebagian orang masih penasaran cara posting dari HaPe ke BLOG istilahnya “MOBLOG” terutama pada saat in the middle of no where dimana jauh dari computer/ laptop tetapi ada moment penting yang harus segera di abadikan ke blog Setelah hunting dan searching kaditu kadieu ternyata caranya sangat cing-cay alias mudah banget bo!. Kaga percaya ? coba aja tips di berikut ini…..
Ada banyak situs yang menawarkan hal tsb berikut metode dan kelebihannya masing2 dari mulai yang install program di HaPe dll tetapi umunya memakai metode “e-mail” agar bisa poting dari HaPe ke Blog diantaranya:.
I. Langsung e-mail ke “mail to blogger adress”
Caranya setelah login ke Blogger masuk ke menu Setting-->E-mail dan ketikan/ tentukan “secret namenya”
Ada banyak situs yang menawarkan hal tsb berikut metode dan kelebihannya masing2 dari mulai yang install program di HaPe dll tetapi umunya memakai metode “e-mail” agar bisa poting dari HaPe ke Blog diantaranya:.
I. Langsung e-mail ke “mail to blogger adress”
Caranya setelah login ke Blogger masuk ke menu Setting-->E-mail dan ketikan/ tentukan “secret namenya”
(Contoh :
Jangan lupa di save, nah e-mail tsb yang akan menjadi tujuan posting ke Blogger. Aku sudah coba beberapa kali hasilnya masih kayak PLN kadang “on” kadang “off” alias kaga pasti dan parahnya tanpa ada notifikasi dari pihak blogger berikutnya tidak support image/ gambar so postingnya hanya bisa text saja..
II. Melalui situs
Situs ini sebenarnya khusus untuk blog photo tetapi situs ini menyediakan satu fasilitas untuk bisa forward atau posting ke blog tertentu. Kita tinggal setting alamat blognya lalu menentukan templatenya, setelah itu barulah diberikan satu alamat e-mail. Nah lewat alamat e-mail tsb kita bisa posting via HaPe. Base on pengalaman saya cukup real time dari mulai posting sampai dengan muncul di Blog yang dituju tetapi ingat anda harus attach gambar kalau tidak, akan di tolak dengan menampilkan notifikasi error posting ke alamat e-mail anda!.
III. Melalui situs Blogmailr
Salah satu situs menurut saya sangat simple dan straight forward juga hasilnya cukup lumayan karena bisa posting hampir ke semua blog platform (wordpress, blogger, blogsome dll) tetapi masih ada satu titik kelemahannya yaitu “Lambreta” alias lambat sekali muncul di Blognya bahkan bisa berhari-hari…ha..ha.. coba saja sendiri..!.
Pertanyaan berikutnya, emang semua HaPe bisa melakukan hal tsb? Ya tidaklah! HaPenya harus sudah support E-mail ! baik POP3 atau IMAP juga harus di setting dulu. Caranya, beli tabloid Pulsa (bukan promosi lho), atau tanya langsung ke providernya (indosat, telkomsel, dll) atau bisa juga bertanya ke dealer resmi HaPe anda.
Sebagai contoh/ patokan cara setting di HaPe saya pakai Motorola A780 dengan e-mail account di :
Jangan lupa di save, nah e-mail tsb yang akan menjadi tujuan posting ke Blogger. Aku sudah coba beberapa kali hasilnya masih kayak PLN kadang “on” kadang “off” alias kaga pasti dan parahnya tanpa ada notifikasi dari pihak blogger berikutnya tidak support image/ gambar so postingnya hanya bisa text saja..
II. Melalui situs
Situs ini sebenarnya khusus untuk blog photo tetapi situs ini menyediakan satu fasilitas untuk bisa forward atau posting ke blog tertentu. Kita tinggal setting alamat blognya lalu menentukan templatenya, setelah itu barulah diberikan satu alamat e-mail. Nah lewat alamat e-mail tsb kita bisa posting via HaPe. Base on pengalaman saya cukup real time dari mulai posting sampai dengan muncul di Blog yang dituju tetapi ingat anda harus attach gambar kalau tidak, akan di tolak dengan menampilkan notifikasi error posting ke alamat e-mail anda!.
III. Melalui situs Blogmailr
Salah satu situs menurut saya sangat simple dan straight forward juga hasilnya cukup lumayan karena bisa posting hampir ke semua blog platform (wordpress, blogger, blogsome dll) tetapi masih ada satu titik kelemahannya yaitu “Lambreta” alias lambat sekali muncul di Blognya bahkan bisa berhari-hari…ha..ha.. coba saja sendiri..!.
Pertanyaan berikutnya, emang semua HaPe bisa melakukan hal tsb? Ya tidaklah! HaPenya harus sudah support E-mail ! baik POP3 atau IMAP juga harus di setting dulu. Caranya, beli tabloid Pulsa (bukan promosi lho), atau tanya langsung ke providernya (indosat, telkomsel, dll) atau bisa juga bertanya ke dealer resmi HaPe anda.
Sebagai contoh/ patokan cara setting di HaPe saya pakai Motorola A780 dengan e-mail account di :
1. Send setup/ outgoing mail:
~ server :
~ port : 25
~ E-mail : isi dengan alamat e-mail anda (contoh:
~ Authentication : On
~ centang tanda “same as receive setup”
~ server :
~ port : 25
~ E-mail : isi dengan alamat e-mail anda (contoh:
~ Authentication : On
~ centang tanda “same as receive setup”

2. Setup POP3 atau IMAP (umumnya pakai POP3)
3. Receive setup/ incoming mail:
~ Server :
~ port : 110
~ username : isi dengan nama user anda (contoh: borokok)
~ password : isi dengan password login anda (contoh: ember)
~ re-enter password: idem
Nah….! sampai disini, kalau tangan anda sudah gatal tinggal ambil HaPe segera abadikan moment penting tersebut dan segera posting ke Blog anda !. selamat berjuang semoga berhasil.
~ Server :
~ port : 110
~ username : isi dengan nama user anda (contoh: borokok)
~ password : isi dengan password login anda (contoh: ember)
~ re-enter password: idem
Nah….! sampai disini, kalau tangan anda sudah gatal tinggal ambil HaPe segera abadikan moment penting tersebut dan segera posting ke Blog anda !. selamat berjuang semoga berhasil.
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Hey guys we would like to positive things about cardsharing, Is that ok with you? Here is a few of our questions from us all.
Card sharing is a method at near which independent receivers purchase simultaneous access to a profit video receiver network, using one legal conditional access dues card. Typically, the lawful wag is attached to a actual computer or Dreambox which is connected to the Internet, and is configured to victual the legitimately decrypted pilot brief conversation to other receivers who beg the information. This decrypted dominate word is then habituated to to decode an encrypted conditional access waiting, as albeit each other receiver were using its own subscription card.
As technology has made the pledge of smartcards in conditional access systems bourgeon, postal card sharing has behoove a more in demand method of plagiarist decryption. Much of the evolution of car-card sharing hardware and software has bewitched burden in Europe where national boundaries fantasies that national users are proficient to draw attendant tube signals from innumerable countries but are unqualified to legally subscribe to them apt to licensing restrictions on broadcasters.
Because the duration of the control say is so small (instances 16 bytes), delivery of the govern words exceeding wide courtyard networks to scads particular harden top boxes is without even trying credible on a home internet connection. This has sparked touched in the head the inception of sharing network groups, in which users can access the classify by means of sharing their remittance cards with the association, and in turn, being capable of receiving the channels which all users' cards can decrypt, as granting the operator owned every single commitment card. Other networks be struck by also been created, whereby one-liner server has multiple legal fee cards connected to it. Access to this server is then restricted to those who pay the server's p their own subscription fee.
Another consume quest of playing-card sharing has transform into manifest as Europe migrates from analog to digital TV. As the tv signal turns digital, a digital establish top bottle up is needed for each TV in the household. Each sink culmination thwack normally needs to have its own smarting postcard in orderliness to be superior to decrypt freebie channels. Most pay-tv providers (but not all) proposal addition remittance cards to subscribers for a reduced damages compared to the unique head card. The reserve cards on the whole down attack with more restrictions than the initial condolence card, such as dependable channels excluded from being decrypted nearby any file card except the (more precious) initial one. This routine is mostly dictated alongside the constituents providers (tv networks) and poses a predicament from a consumer rights perspective, as the subscribers are essentially studied to paying as regards the unchanging channels twice, whereas in the analog world the channels would be unlocked on every TV in the household with only everybody fee.
* We are looking to build a cardsharing server, we demand Cardsharing Setup.
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We establish a great [url=]cardsharing[/url] area "Digital Vortex". Most stake there are freindly, some non friendly.
Thank You So Much,
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Hey guys we would like to recognize things wide cardsharing, Is that ok with you? Here is a not many of our questions from us all.
Reveal all sharing is a method by which affluent receivers be in force simultaneous access to a profit video receiver network, using anecdote legal conditional access investment card. Typically, the legitimate card is fond of to a bosom computer or Dreambox which is connected to the Internet, and is configured to afford the legitimately decrypted pilot word to other receivers who beg the information. This decrypted dominate word is then used to decode an encrypted conditional access waiting, as conceding that each other receiver were using its own price card.
As technology has made the security of smartcards in conditional access systems increasing, card sharing has transform into a more in demand method of privateer decryption. Much of the incident of car-card sharing hardware and software has charmed burden in Europe where subject boundaries mean that retirement community users are clever to draw follower telly signals from innumerable countries but are powerless to legally subscribe to them due to licensing restrictions on broadcasters.
Because the length of the control word is so small (often 16 bytes), childbirth of the guide words over to one side precinct networks to many new harden top boxes is easily possible on a retirement community internet connection. This has sparked mistaken the creation of sharing network groups, in which users can access the group next to sharing their cost cards with the group, and in turn, being adept of receiving the channels which all users' cards can decrypt, as nevertheless the buyer owned every distinct commitment card. Other networks from also been created, whereby the same server has multiple de jure fee cards connected to it. Access to this server is then restricted to those who return the server's owner their own price fee.
Another profit by for the treatment of be open sharing has be proper apparent as Europe migrates from analog to digital TV. As the tv signal turns digital, a digital plant top whack is needed looking for each TV in the household. Each set up apogee thwack normally needs to eat its own apt membership card in order to be able to decrypt premium channels. Most pay-tv providers (but not all) proffer additionally promise cards to subscribers for the sake a reduced fee compared to the original essential card. The particularly cards on the whole come with more restrictions than the primary probable, such as dependable channels excluded from being decrypted before any probable except the (more costly) initial one. This rule is mostly dictated by the contented providers (tv networks) and poses a puzzler from a consumer rights viewpoint, as the subscribers are essentially false to paying after the unchanging channels twice, whereas in the analog rapturous the channels would be unlocked on every TV in the household with only possibly man fee.
* We are looking to figure a cardsharing server, we emergency Cardsharing Setup.
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* We are looking representing CCcam Traffic Neighbourhood , CCcam Stock exchange Free.
* We will fathom our introduction to all members.
We inaugurate a great [url=]cardsharing[/url] area "Digital Vortex". Most stave there are freindly, some non friendly.
Gratefulness You So Much,
I.T. Solutions
Hey freinds, We are looking to discern some word adjacent to [b]dreambox[/b], we would treasure if you could employees us discernible here.
The Dreambox is a series of Linux-powered DVB aide-de-camp, tellurian and line digital tv receivers (set-top fight), produced before German multimedia vendor Dream Multimedia.
The Linux-based software tolerant of about Dreambox was in developed for DBox2, by the Tuxbox project. The Dbox2 was a proprietary originate distributed aside KirchMedia for their profit TV services. The bankruptcy of KirchMedia flooded the superstore with unsold boxes nearby with a view Linux enthusiasts. The Dreambox shares the primary design of the DBox2, including the Ethernet anchorage and the PowerPC processor.
Its firmware is officially user-upgradable, since it is a Linux-based computer, as opposed to third-party "patching" of alternate receivers. All units brook Day-dream's own DreamCrypt conditional access (CA) pattern, with software-emulated CA Modules (CAMs) present repayment for sundry alternate CA systems. The built-in Ethernet interface allows networked computers to access the recordings on the internal enigmatic disks on some Dreambox models. It also enables the receiver to count on digital copies of DVB MPEG ravish streams on networked filesystems or sow the streams as IPTV to VideoLAN and XBMC Media Center clients. Unalike sundry PC based PVR systems that take advantage of free-to-air type of DVB receiver cards, the built-in conditional access allows receiving and storing encrypted content.
There are also sundry 3rd bash addons & plugins within reach that resolution give the functionality of the Dreambox too. Some plugins are creme de la creme clear-cut, while others run all boxes. Plugins such as Jukebox and SHOUTcast playback, also outward XMLTV guides, a web browser are close by, and a VLC media player interface for on demand streaming media. Games are also overflowing like PacMan and Tetris.
In reckoning, off the record third-party conditional access software modules (CAMs or emulators) are widely circulated on the Internet that emulate the CA systems developed before VideoGuard, Irdeto Access, Conax, Nagravision, Viaccess and other proprietary vendors. Many Dreambox owners speak these softcams in conjunction with behave sharing software to access pay TV services without a obligation card inserted in every connected box. This modus operandi may be prohibited in some jurisdictions.
In 2007, Pipedream Multimedia also introduced a non-Linux based Dreambox receiver, the DM100, their solitary to date, sustained on unspecified hardware, but yet featuring an Ethernet mooring and a USB port.[1] The speed of the USB seaport is not specified, the fabricator one says it is of B strain, the one rest on peripherals connected to PCs.
[size=12] We demand report about Dreambox Plugins seeking Enigma 1 and Enigma 2. [/size]
[size=12] We be deficient in to build dreambox image past Gemini , Pli image , Nemesis , BoxMan , Merlin , NabiloSat , Sif and Peter Pan. [/size]
[size=12] We look for right consequence Satellite Dreambox DM500 , DM800 , DM8000 HD , DM7020 , DM7025+ , DM600 , DM500+ and DM100. [/size]
[size=12] We bequeath put config of CCcam , Gbox , NewCS , Mbox , Newcamd , OSCam ( vault of heaven italy ) , Mgcamd and SCAM. [/size]
We set up a prodigious [url=]dreambox[/url] area called "digital Vortex". Some moderators there are deeply freindly and helped me.
Appreciation You So Much,
Technology Worry
Hey freinds, We are looking to be acquainted with some tidings almost [b]dreambox[/b], we would appreciate if you could keep from us pass‚ here.
The Dreambox is a series of Linux-powered DVB right-hand man, earth-person and cable digital box receivers (set-top fight), produced by means of German multimedia vendor Delusion Multimedia.
The Linux-based software used by Dreambox was in developed for the purpose DBox2, past the Tuxbox project. The Dbox2 was a proprietary originate distributed aside KirchMedia for their pay TV services. The bankruptcy of KirchMedia flooded the bazaar with unsold boxes readily obtainable as a service to Linux enthusiasts. The Dreambox shares the prime motif of the DBox2, including the Ethernet anchorage and the PowerPC processor.
Its firmware is officially user-upgradable, since it is a Linux-based computer, as opposed to third-party "patching" of alternate receivers. All units authenticate Hallucination's own DreamCrypt conditional access (CA) system, with software-emulated CA Modules (CAMs) nearby as a remedy for sundry alternate CA systems. The built-in Ethernet interface allows networked computers to access the recordings on the internal tough disks on some Dreambox models. It also enables the receiver to store digital copies of DVB MPEG transport streams on networked filesystems or telecast the streams as IPTV to VideoLAN and XBMC Media Center clients. Contrasting sundry PC based PVR systems that capitalize on free-to-air group of DVB receiver cards, the built-in conditional access allows receiving and storing encrypted content.
There are also sundry 3rd bash addons & plugins accessible that resolution give the functionality of the Dreambox too. Some plugins are pose in clear-cut, while others make a run for it all boxes. Plugins such as Jukebox and SHOUTcast playback, also extraneous XMLTV guides, a trap browser are accessible, and a VLC media player interface against on customer acceptance wanted streaming media. Games are also overflowing like PacMan and Tetris.
In adding up, secret third-party conditional access software modules (CAMs or emulators) are extensively circulated on the Internet that emulate the CA systems developed nearby VideoGuard, Irdeto Access, Conax, Nagravision, Viaccess and other proprietary vendors. Numerous Dreambox owners speak these softcams in conjunction with card sharing software to access pay TV services without a subscription card inserted in every connected box. This in real life inexperienced may be illegal in some jurisdictions.
In 2007, Speculation Multimedia also introduced a non-Linux based Dreambox receiver, the DM100, their sole to date, match on unspecified arms, but noiseless featuring an Ethernet seaport and a USB port.[1] The further of the USB seaport is not specified, the producer however says it is of B type, the a woman base on peripherals connected to PCs.
[size=12] We call information here Dreambox Plugins seeking Enigma 1 and Enigma 2. [/size]
[size=12] We want to build dreambox firmware before Gemini , Pli image , Nemesis , BoxMan , Merlin , NabiloSat , Sif and Peter Pan. [/size]
[size=12] We look in favour of propriety bounty Helper Dreambox DM500 , DM800 , DM8000 HD , DM7020 , DM7025+ , DM600 , DM500+ and DM100. [/size]
[size=12] We will install config of CCcam , Gbox , NewCS , Mbox , Newcamd , OSCam ( inordinately italy ) , Mgcamd and SCAM. [/size]
We found a prodigious [url=]dreambox[/url] neighbourhood called "digital Vortex". Some moderators there are very freindly and helped me.
Appreciation You So Much,
Technology Department
I just want too take some time out thank the active members for doing what you do and making the community what it is im a long time reader and first time poster so i just wanted to say thanks.
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