BW : Pokoke pilih aye di jamin Jakarte pasti aman, tertib, bersih bla..bla… coba tengok program Ane yang bejibun dan sangat....bla…bla…
AD : Kalau ente pilih aye, warga jakarte tak lame lagi akan menikmati rasa aman, bebas macet…bla…bla….sekolah gratis…bla..blaa…
Warga Jakarte : Ente percaya? “BEGO TAU………!” mana ada yg inget ame kite-kite kalau mereka udeh duduk di kursi empuk, coba aje ente itung bianya kampanye saja sekian Milyar nah gaji die cuma puluhan juta blon lagi dipotong sana sini ..bla..bla… pasti dech cari bocoron di sana sini ..!bla..blaa
ABSURD banget ! btw comment Blogger gimana ?
AD : Kalau ente pilih aye, warga jakarte tak lame lagi akan menikmati rasa aman, bebas macet…bla…bla….sekolah gratis…bla..blaa…
Warga Jakarte : Ente percaya? “BEGO TAU………!” mana ada yg inget ame kite-kite kalau mereka udeh duduk di kursi empuk, coba aje ente itung bianya kampanye saja sekian Milyar nah gaji die cuma puluhan juta blon lagi dipotong sana sini ..bla..bla… pasti dech cari bocoron di sana sini ..!bla..blaa
ABSURD banget ! btw comment Blogger gimana ?
jadi inget kasus di garut itu.
dulu waktu kampanye dll, aku tau kalo bupati terpilih itu gak bener (ada yang terus terang dan ngaku ke kita). DIa melakukan segala cara untuk terpilih jadi bupati. dan kemudian terpilih.
skrg, barulah "rakyat" sadar..
tapi spertinya terlambat ya..?
semoga gak kejadian lagi di daerah lain..termasuk di ibukota..
vpBoyp The best blog you have!
1Kz7W4 Good job!
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Thanks to author.
Please write anything else!
Wonderful blog.
Good job!
Thanks to author.
Thanks to author.
Please write anything else!
XbjuGv write more, thanks.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Nice Article.
Please write anything else!
Nice Article.
Good job!
Please write anything else!
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Nice Article.
Good job!
Wonderful blog.
Wonderful blog.
When there's a will, I want to be in it.
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman!
Energizer Bunny Arrested! Charged with battery.
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
Wonderful blog.
640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates 81
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
Thanks to author.
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.
A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.
If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
When there's a will, I want to be in it.
640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates 81
Energizer Bunny Arrested! Charged with battery.
Hello all!
Energizer Bunny Arrested! Charged with battery.
A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.
Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.
Clap on! , Clap off! clap@#&$NO CARRIER
Hello all!
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman!
When there's a will, I want to be in it.
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies
When there's a will, I want to be in it.
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.
Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman!
If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.
Clap on! , Clap off! clap@#&$NO CARRIER
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
All generalizations are false, including this one.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries.
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